How many of you have been out in the public space, whether in a restaurant or the grocery store, and you witnessed someone losing their shit over someone not performing the WooFlu circus routine properly? Stand here! You’re Too Close! Wrong Kind of Mask! Mask Too High! Mask Not High Enough! What the hell is going on? It’s like you can determine a person’s political tendencies and whether or not they’re a control freak based on how many millimeters above or below your nose that their mask resides.
For decades, a large group of Americans have been destroying God. Feminism started out as an awesome movement to further equality between the two sexes, but in the 60’s it turned into a movement for hating men, having random sex with strangers and getting pregnant, killing their babies, doing lots of drugs and using the federal government as a replacement for marriage. It’s kinda hard to go to church on Sunday morning when you are too drunk from the night before to find your panties and figure out where you left your car.
And, Men… So many men were super excited about the whole thing because they could drop bombs in random chicks without any repercussions. Dudes could be assured that they didn’t need to take responsibility of the most important aspect of their life (family), so why wouldn’t they treat other parts of their life the same way? Why would they get out of bed on Sunday morning to go to church when all their mercy and salvation comes in the form the government checks, paid to the mother of their child and the government giving full reign to doctors to simply remove the ‘problem’ from their girlfriend’s womb?
So, once they had tried their hardest to remove God from their life, they needed to fill that void with something else. The easiest place to look was the to the deity that gave them the things they used to get from God…. The Federal Government. But they couldn’t stop there. They knew they couldn’t actually become God, so they decided to try their hardest by telling other people to live by the new commandments they came up with themselves. ‘Live and Let Live’ was dead. They decided that they would do whatever the hell they wanted, while forcing other people to do what they told them to. The consequences range from burning down your business to cancelling your voice on a college campus or on social media.
They decided that they wanted a massive Federal Bureaucracy to control the most miniscule parts of our lives. The problem with that is they weren’t following their own mandates. Huge regulatory fees for small business licenses in urban areas are being paid by the ‘law abiding’ folks and are not being enforced on the big government ‘believers’. This caused law abiding folks to need to charge a higher price for their goods and services than the others. Worship at the Altar of the Bureaucrat, and you can enjoy large gatherings in protest and burn a bunch of shit down. But, if you go to church, where you stay in your car and listen to the pastor on the radio, you will get a fine. If you don’t pay the fine, then Progressive Deacons of Doom and Gloom will send the police to your front door with guns and take you to jail! Refuse and your life could be over.
There has never been a more necessary time to stand strong with your convictions and let your morality shine through your actions, than there is right now.